W1 • Wed (01.22)
- Finish your Pixel Portrait
- Select three websites from Laurel's Are.na here or here
- Send me the URLs via Teams before class
- Be ready to share why you chose these websites
- Watch Laurel's HTML Introduction
- Please compose a few sentences for the following questions on Figma:
- How would you describe your design aesthetic?
- What objects inspire your aesthetic?
- What was your earliest design memory?
- How do you define “Interaction Design”?
- What are the differences between designing for say, a print product, and a digital product?
- When was the last time you saw digital design in the world that surprised you?
- What does “UX and UI” mean to you (if anything)?
- What are you most interested in learning in this class?
W2 • Mon (01.27)
- Do Now: Website Analysis
- Visit this website and choose your partner's website
- Complete the Website Analysis Survey
- Discussion
- Introduction to HTML and CSS
- Exercise: Abstract Composition
- Watch Laurel Schwulst's CSS Introduction
- Watch this video and take notes on Flex Box
- This will help explain how to place divs next to each other in the browser
- Make refinements to your Abstract Composition and share the link in Teams
W2 • Wed (01.29)
- Do Now: Tech Support
- Please first fill out the survey
- We will use our work-time today to resolve
- Introduction to the Grid
- After you look at each instance of the grid, I want you to implement either a Flexbox, CSS Grid, or Float on your Abstract Composition.
- Grid Example
- Figma Prototype
- Tour around the interface
- Student Questionnaire
- Recreate Cool Links in Figma
- Please watch Laurel Schwulst's Ultralight Lecture from last Spring, and write a 1 paragraph response (posted in Teams)
- Come to class with three compositions in Figma on a 1440px frame
- These compositions will utilize your writing completed last class
- Design a distinct grid system for each. The particulars of each system are up to you, but consider the limits of the frame width, and the length of your text as constraining factors.
- You can use no more than 2 typefaces.
- You can use no more than 4 colors (including black and white).
- You can use only 3 images.
W3 • Mon (02.03)
- Do Now: Tech Support
- Please add your Figma prototypes to our Interaction Design Team
- Let’s use the below naming convention to keep everything organized:
- “P1_FirstName_LastName”
- Let’s use the below naming convention to keep everything organized:
- Make sure on your prototype that there is some space for links to your Projects and your Class Exercises
- Please polish your “Abstract Composition,” rename the site: “firstnameutkabstract.glitch.com”
- Please start on your “Flexbox Challenge” in Glitch. This will give you a foundation for a gridded website.
- Please add your Figma prototypes to our Interaction Design Team
- One on One Meetings
- We will discuss your Figma Compositions
- You are welcome to begin the Malevich's Boxes
- Come to class with two developed compositions in Figma
- Please develop the mobile version of these two as well.
- Please read Laurel Schwulst's "My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?" and respond with a three sentence summary and two questions in your Teams Channel.
W3 • Wed (02.05)
- Do Now: Tech Support
- While I meet with students...
- Please finish your “Flexbox Challenge” in Glitch.
- You are welcome to finish the Malevich's Boxes
- You are welcome to start on CSS Animation
- While I meet with students...
- Web Tutorial on Transformation and Animation
- One on One Meetings
- We will discuss your Figma Compositions
- Come to class with two further develop compositions in Figma
- Please develop the mobile version of these two as well.
- Consider applying an image treatment to your images
- Please finish the exercises, rename your sites, and send me these site via Teams. They will be the following:
- firstnameutkabstract.glitch.com
- firstnameutkflexbox.glitch.com
- firstnameutkboxes.glitch.com
- firstnameutkanimation.glitch.com
W4 • Mon (02.10)
- Do Now: Tech Support
- While I meet with students...
- Please make sure you have renamed and sent your first five exercises
- Please add an animation to your abstract composition
- Please begin to code your Hello, World! Website
- We will discuss how to add your chosen font to your site.
- While I meet with students...
- Crit of Abstract Compositions
- Web Typography
- Group Work and One on One Meetings
- In groups of three, I would like you to crit each others current Figma Models (using Rose/ Bud/ Thorn)
- We will discuss your websites in your 1:1
- Convert one website into code. You must include:
- 1 heading <h1></h1>
- 1 paragraph <p></p>
- 1 image <img>
- 1 list (with at least 3 items) <ul><li></li></ul>
- 1 link <a></a>
- 1 html element we didn't cover in class (consult the w3schools reference)
W4 • Wed (02.12)
- Do Now: Tech Support
- While I meet with students...
- Please make sure you have renamed your websites in the following format:
- firstnameutkp1.glitch.com
- Please make sure you have renamed your websites in the following format:
- While I meet with students...
- Crit of WIP Websites in small groups
- Group Work and One on One Meetings
- In groups of two, I would like you to remix your partner's website, and develop it!
- We will discuss your websites in your 1:1
- Polish your website. You must include:
- 1 heading <h1></h1>
- 1 paragraph <p></p>
- 1 image <img>
- 1 list (with at least 3 items) <ul><li></li></ul>
- 1 link <a></a>
- 1 html element we didn't cover in class (consult the w3schools reference)
W5 • Mon (02.17)
- Tutorial on Moving from Figma to Code
- Responsive Web Exercise
- Tech Support
- Please add an animation to your website
- Consult the Tutorial I’ve provided here (and on Teams) if you’re confused.
- Please link your exercises over into your websites (this can be a fixed element)
- If you want to take a break from your website, you can complete the Responsive Web Exercise
- Please add an animation to your website
- Polish your website
- New due date: Monday (02.24)
- Complete your Responsive Web Exercise
- Add to your Hello, World! website
W5 • Wed (02.19)
- Tech Support
- Please sign up for a time slot (beyond those that I haven't met with).
- I'd like you to please pair up, and inspect each others sites to help with their responsiveness.
- If you want to take a break from your website, you can complete the Responsive Web Exercise
- I've attached the text here
- Your website (both the figma file and coded site) is due on Monday (02.24)
- Work towards responsiveness.
- Please sign up for office hours (9-12) via Teams on Friday for support if needed.
W6 • Mon (02.24)
- Tech Support
- While I meet with students, please do the following
- Open this spreadsheet
- In the appropriate cell, please compose two roses (positive notes), and a bud (something they can develop in class today).
- Once you’ve completed your crit, please work with your group to develop the finishing touches on your site!
- While I meet with students, please do the following
- We will use class today to make our final polishes to our websites
- Please submit your Figma page as a PDF and your glitch website to Canvas this evening by 11:59pm
W6 • Wed (02.26)
- Do Now: Reflection on Project 1
- Introduction to Project 2
- Introduction to Atomic Design
- Tutorial on creating a CSS Grid
- Worktime
- You can use this time to get started on your Survey of Atoms
- Complete Part 1 of Project 2
- Come to class with a glitch website with three subpages collecting:
- Atoms
- Molecules
- Organisms
- Come to class with a glitch website with three subpages collecting:
W7 • Mon (03.03)
- Tech Support
- Please fill out the Artist Spreadsheet
- Please polish and rename your Atomic Collection:
- firstnameutkatomiccollection.glitch.com
- Please begin your Atoms in your Figma for Project 2
- Figma Tutorial
- Once you've developed your Components, you can move on to Variants
- Once you've built your Variants, you can move on to making them Interactive
- Please develop Part 2 of Project 2
- Come to class with your shared Figma file collecting:
- Atoms
- Molecules
- Organisms
- Come to class with your shared Figma file collecting:
W7 • Wed (03.05)
- Tech Support
- Please share with your group your current Atomic Components in your Figma
- Rose/Bud/Thorn
- You may begin the Click and Hover Exercise
- Please share with your group your current Atomic Components in your Figma
- Figma Tutorial
- We will clarify how to add Variants Properties
- Come to class with your developed Figma file collecting:
- Atoms
- Molecules
- Organisms
- Please build out the Desktop Wireframe for one page
W8 • Mon (03.10)
- Tech Support
- Please share with your group your current Atomic Components in your Figma
- Rose/Bud/Thorn
- Develop your Click and Hover Exercise
- Please share with your group your current Atomic Components in your Figma
- 1:1 Meetings
- Please develop your Desktop Wireframe for one page, and build out your system for two subpages.
W8 • Wed (03.12)
- Tech Support
- Please share with your group your current Atomic Components in your Figma
- Rose/Bud/Thorn
- Develop your Click and Hover Exercise
- Please share with your group your current Atomic Components in your Figma
- 1:1 Meetings
- Please finalize your Wireframes (include the tablet and mobile versions) over the break
W10 • Mon (03.24)
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Tutorial of Figma Wireframes
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Begin your research on a political movement outside the US.
- Continue to collate your collection of Animations/Websites
- Compose three sketches for either your website or animation
- For your website, use Figma's "Wireframe" tools
- For your animation, use Figma's Storytelling tools
- Please collect 10 entries for your research on a political movement outside the US.
- Please develop 3 wireframes or storyboards for your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
W10 • Wed (03.26)
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Discussion of Political Movements for Graphic Design
- Adobe Max
- Erik Carter
- Small Group Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Continue to collate your collection of Animations/Websites
- Compose three sketches for either your website or animation
- For your website, use Figma's "Wireframe" tools
- For your animation, use Figma's Storytelling tools
- Please develop 2 wireframes or storyboards for your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
W11 • Mon (03.31)
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Itinerary for Trip to Atlanta (leaving Sunday)
- Small Group Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Continue to collate your collection of Animations/Websites
- Compose three sketches for either your website or animation
- For your website, use Figma's "Wireframe" tools
- For your animation, use Figma's Storytelling tools
- Please develop 1 wireframes or be ready to show a rough reel of your animated video for your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
- Please read Max Read's "Drowning in Slop"
W11 • Wed (04.02)
- Do Now: Looking Closer Activity (Are.na Channel)
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- one in pencil, one in sharpie, and one in crayon
- You'll be asked to complete three sketches of one image in your sketch book:
- Atlanta Trip Recap
- Develop "Thank you Card" for Coke and Shaw
- Discussion of Max Read's "Drowning in Slop"
- Small Group Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Please develop a near final version of your project
- Be prepared to share in class.
- We will have a full class crit on Monday.
W12 • Mon (04.07)
- Final Crits
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Final version of your project
W12 • Wed (04.09)
- Introduction to Collaborations
- Walkthrough of the various dimensions to this project.
- Assignment of roles within your project
- Mood-boarding
- Work Time / One-on-one Meetings
- Develop your mood board for your assigned role with your partner
- Complete any additional revisions to your Project 3
- We will have until Wednesday of next week to turn in Project 3
W13 • Mon (04.14)
- Field Trip to Digital Learning Building
- Questions with the Digital Learning Team
- Measurements of the Space
- Introduction to the Design Tender Template
- Work Time
- I will hold workshops for each group in class.
- Within your group please develop Sketches in the Design Tender Template for your role:
- For the Icon System, I'd like you to develop four versions of four icons (W.C./Stairs/Your choice). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Way-finding Signage, I'd like each of you to sketch two versions of three signs (Arrival/Directional/Destination). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Meeting Rooms, I'd like each of you to sketch two versions of two posters (24" x 18"). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Muralists, I'd like each of you to sketch two versions of a large scale mural (2400px x 350px). Please make these digital even if they exist first a hand sketches.
- For the Client-Facing Presentation, I'd like you to set up a standard presentation (16:9) showcasing three options for type pairings and layouts.
- For Support workers, you will be assigned to a role for this week to help. You will take on that assignment based on need.
W13 • Wed (04.16)
- Meet with your Team
- Narrow your designs to three options
- Send sign type sketches to Google Drive and then collate them into the Design Tender Template (found on Canvas)
- Critique of Edited Design Tender
- Work Time
- Within your group please determine your homework based on our class crit
- The annotations are posted here
W14 • Mon (04.21)
W14 • Wed (04.23)
W15 • Mon (04.28)
W15 • Wed (04.30)
W16 • Mon (05.05)
W16 • Mon (05.07)
W16 • Friday (05.09)