Schedule Projects

Project 3: Container Technologies

^ Permanent Distraction, Rafaël Rozendaal. 2020

Browsing the web, what you see can be described as a series of containers, some seen and some unseen. There is of course the server that holds the data for a given website, which consists of folders, which hold assets and code, which holds divs, which hold more divs, which hold language and images. Etc. The path of nested containers can be followed in many directions. This project is a study in this ubiquitous act of and desire for container technologies. We will be looking at this subject from both a functional perspective in how the web is organized, as well as the ideological implications.    


    • A title and/or the location of your survey should be somewhere on the site.
    • At least 40 instances of container technologies (these could be nested or all on the same taxonomic level.) These instances can be documented as image/videos, words, or both. 
    • A paragraph describing your collection and how you chose to organize it. This text must reference Zoe Sofia’s text. The text can have its own about page or not.
    • At least 4 filters/subgroupings. 
    • The site that houses your collection must in some way make visible or acknowledge the web-specific context.
    • Project must have a favicon.
    • Website must be responsive and work on a mobile screen.


    • Grid sketch frames exported as .pdf
    • Final design exported as .pdf
    • Link to Site Survey
    • Link to Figma Design File
    • Step 1: Read
      Read Zoë Sofia's Container Technologies
    • Step 2: Survey
      Choose a location to do your own survey of container technologies in a location of your choosing, in a similar fashion as Sofia’s ‘Domestic Survey’ on page 189 of her text. This could be:
      • Your kitchen
      • A building
      • The sky
      • On the street
      • In a car
      • A website
      • Your computer
      • The Container Store
      • The human body
      • The supermarket
    • Step 3: List
      List at least 40 instances of container technologies in your chosen location. Then, Categorize all of your findings. What groupings do they fit into, how far are the boundaries? Do you perceive the technologies as passive, active or both? (Or “dynamic/static” as Sofia refers to them.)
    • Step 4: Code
      Create a website to house the findings from your study. This will be an archive, and should have at least 4 filters or sub-groupings. Come up with a concept of how to document your 40/+ container technologies.

Workshops ▾

    • Welcome to Javascript
    • Abstract Container